Doryoku Ryu Karate is a student-focused martial arts club that places utmost importance on the growth and development of its students. Our philosophy centres around the students, and our dedicated instructors are here to guide them on their karate journey. The role of the instructor, or 'Sensei' in Japanese, is one of guidance and mentorship. Sensei means “The one that has gone before” with everyone who teaches Karate at one stage being a student themselves.

Every instructor at Doryoku Ryu has risen through the ranks, having started as students within our own club. Unlike franchises or shortcuts, we value the time and dedication it takes to become an instructor. Teaching is a vocation that demands commitment and passion.

Our Instructor Accreditation

Our instructors undergo a rigorous accreditation program, ensuring that only the most qualified individuals lead our classes. Karate instruction requires a diverse skill set. While proficiency in karate techniques is paramount, our instructors also possess the ability to effectively communicate and impart knowledge to students. They are skilled in organising classes for both children and adults, guiding students through our syllabus, and helping them achieve their goals. Our instructors are dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing environment for effective learning.

The Doryoku Ryu Instructor Accreditation Programme encompasses several key aspects:

  • Enhanced DBS Check and Suitability: All instructors must undergo an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to ensure their suitability.
  • Insurance and First Aid Training: Instructors are fully insured and trained in first aid, equipped to handle potential injuries and emergencies. Regular first aid courses are mandatory.
  • Ethics and Behavior: Instructors adhere to a strict code of ethics, both within the dojo and in their personal lives.
  • Ongoing Training: Instructors train weekly with senior instructors to maintain consistent skill levels and keep teaching material up to date.
  • Annual Class Management Training: Our instructors participate in annual class management courses, covering topics such as health and safety, risk assessment, lesson planning, student motivation, child protection, anti-bullying measures, and class security.

Our comprehensive instructor accreditation program goes above and beyond the minimum standards set by local government, councils, schools, and education authorities. This commitment ensures that our instructors are not only skilled in karate but also equipped with the expertise to provide a safe and enriching learning environment for all students.

Our Karate Instructors